



Thematic routes

Iron Curtain Route - Along the Slovenian side of the border

... the starting and the end point of this five-day-long tour...

Iron Curtain Route - Along the Hungarian side of the border

The most important settlements on the Tornyiszentmiklós–Szenthotthárd route are the following...

Way of Towns

This thematic route mainly runs in Slovenia, and after crossing the border it terminates in Lenti...

Aquila route

This route follows the steps of an artist from the 14–15th centuries known as János Aquila (Johannes Aquila)...

Thermal Route

One of the most popular bicycle routes is the one that visits thermal baths...

Route along the River Kerka

This route follows the River Kerka from its spring in the Vend Region to Kerkaszentkirály, where it flows into the River Mur...

Eastern part of Őrség-Goričko

The eastern branch of the thematic routes starting from Őrség meanders among spectacular places in Hungary...

Western part of Őrség-Goričko

The route starts in Őriszentpéter, and its western part first crosses Őrség then goes back to Hungary after a nice meander in Slovenia...

Route along the Mur

This region is so rich in sights that it is worth cutting the route up into three parts, and dedicate at least 3 or 4 days to the whole tour.

Along the River Mur –southern and northern parts

This road takes us from Lovászi to Gornja Radgona (Regede) along the right side of the River Mur...

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